How to Have a Stoop Sale Before You Move Out of Your Apartment

Before you move out of your apartment, you can make little extra money by holding a stoop sale. This is similar to a yard sale, but if you live in an apartment, then you might not have a large yard to set up tables in order to sell the items that you no longer need or want. There are a few tips from residential movers that you can keep in mind before setting up your sale and for how to charge the best prices so that you can make money while still getting rid of the items that you have.


1. Send Invitations

Whether it’s an email to your contacts or a post on social media, invite people to come shop at your sale. If no one knows about your event, then they won’t be able to see what you’re selling. A fun way to send invitations is to design a picture with the information about the sale along with a few words that describe the event, similar to a birthday invitation.

2. Baked Items

When you advertise that there will be baked goods at a yard or stoop sale, it often draws more people in compared to if you were only offering clothing or furniture that people can get at a store.

An option would be to offer a free baked good to a certain number of people who made a purchase first, such as the first 24 people who make a purchase would get a free slice of cake.

3. Keep Change

People who shop at stoop sale usually don’t want to spend a lot of money. They might not have a lot of change to work with while they are shopping either. Try to keep plenty of smaller bills on hand as well as silver coins for those who need change instead of telling your customers that you can’t break a bill of a larger denomination and losing the sale.

4. Bright Signs

Post bright signs with large words on posts around your community. Try to put signs on posts that are a different color than the sign that you make, such as a pink sign on a black post. Make sure the letters are bold and easy to read. When the sale is over, take the signs down so that you don’t clutter the town.


5. Organize And Price

Put a sticker with a price on everything. Customers will know how much items are, but it will also give you an opportunity to negotiate a set price. Organize your items by categories. Electronics and movies could go together as well as bathroom items and things that are used in the kitchen.

Clothing should be organized by sizes and gender to make it easier for customers to find what they want. You could offer a special bag sale price at the end of the day to get rid of the rest of your belongings.

Using these tips, you’ll be ready to host a successful stoop sale before your move. Getting rid of your unwanted stuff will make the entire packing and moving process easier!

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